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00 Jazz King: Theory & Practice for Beginners. Lecture Guide 00


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Jazz King: Theory & Practice for Beginners. Lecture Guide 00


Subtitle File DownLoad :https://blog.kakaocdn.net/dn/Bfq7D/btrb9QzhgPR/OYAz1ApJF2RQIriyJ9LrHK/tfile.doc

E-mail : leekim2114@gmail.com


Today’s study and practice are.

0-1. C Major Scale.

0-2. Diatonic Chord in C Major Scale.

0-3. C Major Diatonic Triads Chords.

0-4. C Major Diatonic 7th Chords.


1-1. ⅠM7 = CM7 = C Ionian mode Scale.

1-2. ⅠM7 = CM7 Chord Tones & Scale degree.

1-3. ⅠM7 = CM7 Tension & Avoid note.

1-4. ⅠM7 = CM7 Interval.


2-1. ⅱm7 =Dm7 = D Dorian mode Scale.

2-2. ⅱm7 =Dm7 Chord Tones & Scale degree.

2-3. ⅱm7 =Dm7 Tension & Avoid note.

2-4. ⅱm7 =Dm7 Interval.


3-1. ⅲm7=Em7 = E Phrygian mode Scale.

3-2. ⅲm7=Em7 Chord Tones & Scale degree.

3-3. ⅲm7=Em7 Tension & Avoid note.

3-4. ⅲm7=Em7 Interval.


4-1. ⅣM7 =FM7 = F Lydian mode Scale.

4-2. ⅣM7 =FM7 Chord Tones & Scale degree.

4-3. ⅣM7 =FM7 Tension & Avoid note.

4-4. ⅣM7 =FM7 Interval.


5-1. Ⅴ7 = G7 = G Mixolydian mode Scale.

5-2. Ⅴ7 = G7 Chord Tones & Scale degree.

5-3. Ⅴ7 = G7 Tension & Avoid note.

5-4. V7 = G7 Interval.


6-1. ⅵm7 = Am7 = A Aeolian mode Scale.

6-2. ⅵm7 = Am7 Chord Tones & Scale degree.

6-3. ⅵm7 = Am7 Tension & Avoid note.

6-4. ⅵm7 = Am7 Interval.


7-1. ⅶm7(b5) = Bm7(b5) = B Locrian mode Scale.

7-2. ⅶm7(b5) = Bm7(b5) Chord Tones & Scale degree.

7-3. ⅶm7(b5) = Bm7(b5) Tension & Avoid note.

7-4. m7(b5) = Bm7(b5) Interval.


8-1. C Major Diatonic 7th Chords. Ascending. Both hands Exercise.

8-2. C Major Diatonic 7th Chords. Descending. Both hands Exercise.

9-1. Two Five One = ⅱm7-Ⅴ7-ⅠM7 Chord Progressions.

Both hands Four Practice.


10-1. Right hand: ⅱm7-Ⅴ7-ⅠM7 Chord Progressions.

Chord Tones Solo Practice.

10-2. Left Hand:

Walking Bass Practice using 1 and 5 notes.


This is the order you will learn.

1. Major Scale 12 Keys → according to The Circle of 5ths.

01. C Major Key→ 02. F Major Key→ 03. Bb Major Key→

04. Eb Major Key→ 05. Ab Major Key→ 06. Db Major Key→

07. Gb Major Key→ 08. B Major Key→ 09. E Major Key→

10. A Major Key → 11. D Major Key → 12. G Major Key.


2. Natural Minor Scale 12 Keys → according to The Circle of 5ths.

01. Am Natural Minor Key→ 02. Dm Natural Minor Key→

03. Gm Natural Minor Key→ 04. Cm Natural Minor Key→

05. Fm Natural Minor Key→ 06. Bbm Natural Minor Key→

07. Ebm Natural Minor Key→ 08. G#m Natural Minor Key→

09. C#m Natural Minor Key→ 10. F#m Natural Minor Key →

11. Bm Natural Minor Key → 12. Em Natural Minor Key.


3. Harmonic Minor Scale 12 Keys → according to The Circle of 5ths.

01. Am Harmonic Minor Key→ 02. Dm Harmonic Minor Key→

03. Gm Harmonic Minor Key→ 04. Cm Harmonic Minor Key→

05. Fm Harmonic Minor Key→ 06. Bbm Harmonic Minor Key→

07. Ebm Harmonic Minor Key→ 08. G#m Harmonic Minor Key→

09. C#m Harmonic Minor Key→ 10. F#m Harmonic Minor Key →

11. Bm Harmonic Minor Key → 12. Em Harmonic Minor Key.


4. Melodic Minor Scale. 12 Keys. Ascending. → according to The Circle of 5ths.

01. AmM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key→ 02. DmM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key→

03. GmM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key→ 04. CmM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key→

05. FmM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key→ 06. BbmM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key→

07. EbmM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key→ 08. G#mM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key→

09. C#mM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key→ 10. F#mM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key →

11. BmM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key → 12. EmM7. Ascending. Melodic Minor Key.


4. Melodic Minor Scale. 12 Keys Descending. → According to The Circle of 5ths.

01. Am. Descending. Melodic Minor Key→ 02. Dm. Descending. Melodic Minor Key→

03. Gm. Descending. Melodic Minor Key→ 04. Cm. Descending. Melodic Minor Key→

05. Fm. Descending. Melodic Minor Key→ 06. Bbm. Descending. Melodic Minor Key→

07. Ebm. Descending. Melodic Minor Key→ 08. G#m. Descending. Melodic Minor Key→

09. C#m. Descending. Melodic Minor Key→ 10. F#m. Descending. Melodic Minor Key →

11. Bm. Descending. Melodic Minor Key → 12. Em. Descending. Melodic Minor Key.


5. Jazz Minor Scale 12 Keys → according to The Circle of 5ths.

01. AmM7 Jazz Minor Key → 02. DmM7 Jazz Minor Key →

03. GmM7 Jazz Minor Key → 04. CmM7 Jazz Minor Key →

05. FmM7 Jazz Minor Key → 06. BbmM7 Jazz Minor Key →

07. EbmM7 Jazz Minor Key→ 08. G#mM7 Jazz Minor Key→

09. C#mM7 Jazz Minor Key→ 10. F#mM7 Jazz Minor Key →

11. BmM7 Jazz Minor Key → 12. EmM7 Jazz Minor Key.


C Major Scale,
Diatonic Chord,
Ionian mode Scale,
Chord Tones,
Avoid note,
Dorian mode Scale,
 Phrygian mode Scale,
Lydian mode Scale,
Mixolydian mode Scale,
 Aeolian mode Scale,
Locrian mode Scale,
Two Five One,
Walking Bass,
The Circle of 5ths,
Major Scale,
Natural Minor Scale,
Harmonic Minor Scale,
Melodic Minor Scale,
Jazz Minor Scale,